Let him speak for you ...

The first expression of man is contact. It is through this and not in the word where the eroticism , passion and satisfaction acquire their fullest fullness; example of them is the way your body betrays, to the other, your sexual desire .


Seduce It is not the same as attracting: the first is an art, and the second a simple need. Not every man is attractive to a woman, nor is every woman so attractive to every man, "he says. Efigenio Amezúa, sexologist and director of the Postgraduate Studies in Sexology of the Institute of Sexology InCiSex.


Let him speak for you ...

For many, his body is a mystery, even more so if it is treated in the field sexual. Therefore we present some manifestations of this in the field of seduction Y eroticism, with information from Joe Navarro , expert in body language and author of Book What Every Body is Saying.

1. Eyes When we are facing a person that attracts us, we naturally react by opening our eyes in order to capture their image more accurately. The gaze intensifies and tries to understand each of the movements of the other.

2. Impeccable appearance. Pay attention if when you pass in front of him he fixes his shirt, his hair or straighten your position. These are signs that indicate that you like them. Surely you, without realizing it, react in the same way and you fix the hair on the shoulder when he appears.

3. Chest on high . When men and women want to express their interest in someone, they expose the front of their body to please the other and call their Attention .

4. Everything depends on the address. Especially if it's about the feet. If they point to where you are, surely he is looking to get a little closer to you, but if they do it in the direction of the nearest exit, do not waste more time.

5. Subtle movement. If you notice that when you talk, extend your hands to yourself and your fingers They come closer, he is trying to establish some kind of physical contact, so he is likely to want something with you. But if you observe that it moves them away or keeps them closed, everything would indicate that there is no chemistry.

The seduction and the sexual desire They are part of a person's life. Enjoy all your expressions. Remember, everything is allowed, as long as there is respect and trust.

Video Medicine: Let Him Speak In The Midst of Your Storm - Tape #939 (April 2024).