Jack Osbourne suffers from multiple sclerosis

Jack , son of celebrities Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne , he announces that he suffers multiple sclerosis at 26 years old, disease who will accept with positive thoughts and prayers to move forward.

According to information published in The Huffington Post , Jack Osbourne assures that the sadness, the anguish and the anger invaded his body when receiving the news of the suffering; However, he will try to adapt and overcome this challenge of life.

The decrease in vision in the right eye was one of the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis that Jack had. So that you know a little more about the disease , the neurologist Rosalía Vázquez explains what it is, the characteristics and causes of the condition:

The specialists assure that the multiple sclerosis reduces life expectancy up to 10 years, because it affects the central nervous system, so the symptoms include tremors, dizziness , numbness, coordination problems and memory loss.

Although the multiple sclerosis is a disease incurable, can be controlled with medication and therapies, as explained by the lady Veronica Martinez , who has suffered it for four years:

The first step to overcome the disease is to accept it and learn to live with it, as Jack Osbourne does. In addition, it is very important to have the support of the family so that the patient struggles day by day to have a good quality of life.

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