Is your body ready to run a half marathon?

To be able to run medium marathon It is important that you have a physical, mental training of at least 10 to 14 weeks, since your body You have to adapt to be able to complete the distance of the race.

In accordance with Robert Chapman , director of the human performance laboratory of the Indiana University's School of Health , having an adequate physical preparation helps you to improve the capacity of your legs to absorb and tolerate the "patting", because over time strengthens feet, joints, tendons and muscles.

Chapman recommends that you make a career Long once a week, starting at the beginning of training at 20% of the total volume per week. Then, you should aim to travel a minimum distance of 8 to 10 miles, and run them at least twice before the middle marathon

Video Medicine: Half Marathon Training for Beginners: 3 ESSENTIAL Tips! (April 2024).