Habits that are a risk factor

The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown, it is not possible to prevent most cases. Although many risk factors influence such as age, race and family history. Improving the quality of life through a change in certain habits helps us to prevent this disease.

Prostate cancer is considered the third leading cause of death in men globally, mainly because between 10 and 20% of patients have metastases and advanced stages of cancer at the time of diagnosis, explains the Dr. Samuel Rivera, oncologist at the Siglo XXI National Medical Center.


Habits that are a risk factor

In an interview with GetQoralHealth  Jorge Luis García French, Director of Oncology at Medical Research & Pharma , explains that although it is not clear so far the link between certain lifestyle habits and an increased risk of developing prostate cancer, some consideration should be given to:

1. Smoking Several studies have linked smoking to an increase in the mortality rate from this cancer.

2. Obesity The risk is moderate, however it can raise this risk.

3. Sex without protection. Sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of cancer because they cause prostatitis.

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Prevention is the key

In addition to modifying the lifestyle, it is advisable to carry out periodic reviews, because timely detection allows immediate treatment, which prevents the progression of prostate cancer with a better recovery prognosis and the possibility of cure.

For this reason, Garcia French recommends that all men over 50 years of age undergo a screening to determine the Prostate Specific Antigen , complemented with digital rectal examination, to reduce the disease-free period and improve the quality of life.

Thanks to medical advances, even in the most advanced stages, you can live with a better quality of life; Therefore, one of the biggest challenges in prevention and to be informed. For this purpose, it will be held for the first time in Mexico City. The Best of ASCO Congress (BOA) , where this and other topics related to cancer will be discussed.

Video Medicine: What are risk factors associated with sedentary lifestyle and poor nutritional habits in Brazil? (April 2024).