5 tips to choose extra school activity

To know what is the most appropriate activity for your kids, it is important to know their tastes and needs. Some children need to vent through the sport , while others are more reflective and need to spend moments alone. There are also those who prefer quieter activities, such as reading or painting.

If the child is shy, as a first choice, you can propose a group game, which will help him to open up little by little.

If, on the other hand, you have very little self esteem , it is better to propose an individual activity, with which you can express the best of yourself. GetQoralHealth suggests you these tips to choose the ideal extracurricular activities for your child.

1. Analyze if you are happy or not with the activity, if there are problems, you may not like it or because of shyness you do not feel comfortable. In the latter case if you want to leave, talk to the teacher to help you join the group and wait a week to see if the situation improves. If in spite of everything, insist on leaving classes, do not force him to continue going.

2. At a certain age, children already show their preferences, they know what they like and what they do not. That's why it's essential that before you sign up for an extra-school activity, you ask him which one he would like to go to.

3. If you are very clear about what you want, you must respect their decision (unless the pediatrician says that this activity is not suitable for him or her).

4. In case you want to sign up for several, you should help him choose the one that you think will benefit him most. Once the schedule of activities is established, your child must commit to respect it. Make him understand that he can not miss classes because of laziness, so you teach him to finish what he starts.

5. Check options and addresses on the web to facilitate the search and see which is closest to home, as it is an important point to evaluate.

Remember that each child has a level of tolerance, do not be guided by what others can do. Avoid over stimulating your little one by taking him to several activities, because instead of making a profit, you could get the opposite result.

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