Is it time to finish?

When a relationship is about to end, people often suspect it, you may even feel a sense of uneasiness in your stomach, because you realize that your partner is not attentive to you or does not genuinely, mentions Valeria Schapira, partner relations specialist at

Women tend to express it more because mourning occurs during the relationship, while men do not see the signs and realize that the relationship ended when their partner takes the decision to leave it, "says Valeria Schapira, in an interview for GetQoralHealth


Is it time to finish?

Some of the most common signs that the relationship is about to close its cycle and it is time to continue the path alone are:


  1. Lack of communication
  2. They no longer think together about the future, that is, their goals are increasingly separated
  3. They carry out separate activities always
  4. In their relationship there are no compliments, but only insults or fights
  5. Trust has been completely lost

Valeria Schapira points out that it is good to take the time to live the grief and accept that this couple project in which time and energy was invested, many illusions and expectations, will no longer work.

It is also important not to take the term of the relationship as a failure, because "life is a series of attempts, which help to learn and improve the quality of life".

We must take it as a lesson that will serve to not make the same mistakes in the new bond that is established.

Once the wounds are closed enough to make you want to meet another person, it's time to go out and enjoy the friends or sign up on serious websites that allow you to meet the love of your life. And you, have you experienced some of these signs in a relationship?