Is it advisable to drink coffee during pregnancy?

Drinking coffee is a habit that many women enjoy enormously, but, is it a habit with which we must continue during the pregnancy ? Is there a risk to the baby or the mother?

The answer is that there is no evidence to say that you should not take caffeine during the pregnancy , but it is recommended to limit your consumption. You must remember that caffeine is found in coffee and in some soft drinks, tea, infusions and chocolates.

It's not worth risking!

The good news is that your baby's health is not in danger if you drink caffeine moderately. However, you must not forget that it does have effects that alter your system, and consequently that of your baby.

For example: It may have consequences on your sleep and mood. It inhibits the absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin C in the body. It makes you waste more fluids and calcium, causing you to go to the bathroom more times.

In addition, taking more than 200 mg of caffeine a day increases the likelihood of having an abortion, a premature delivery or a low birth weight baby.

The fact that coffee does not contribute any nutrients to your health, or your baby's, we recommend that you avoid consuming caffeine during pregnancy.

We understand that some moms will not want to stop doing it, if this is your case we suggest you do not consume more than 200 mg a day. This is equivalent to 1-2 cups of coffee per day (8 oz. Cups, it is not worth grabbing a larger cup!). Ideally, you should limit yourself to consuming decaffeinated beverages.

If you are a person who took a lot of caffeine before getting pregnant, you should stop doing it gradually. Your body has developed an addiction to caffeine and suspending its consumption immediately will make you feel bad. So, every day consumes a little less until you eliminate its consumption completely.

Take care of your health and that of your baby! Eat healthily, exercise and get enough sleep. You will feel much better.

Video Medicine: Top 5 tips Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant. (May 2024).