Plan to heal any crisis

All people, regardless of their luck, experience some kind of lost , problem or adversity .

"For many years, every door has opened in my way, it is something I thank every minute, however, I have suffered without flavors of many kinds, from the lost of essential people in my life (as when I was very young), to labor and sentimental issues and even a divorce" .

How we deal with these situations determines if we feel overwhelmed, depressed or sick, if we gain strength, experience, trust in ourselves. Therefore, he wants to share the keys to better emotional flexibility and get ahead in front of any adversity :


Recognize your feelings

1. Learn to say "yes it hurts" . You do not have to pretend to be strong all the time; the strength lies in knowing how to recognize our feelings; Losing something precious hurts, be it a friend, work, home or marriage. Suppress your emotions it is counterproductive; it ends with your energy and makes you feel tense and depressed , at the same time that it affects your ability to heal .


To get over faster, allow yourself ...

1. Express your emotions . For example, when I'm angry, I release that emotion , I do not allow it to damage my mind or my body. Experience that feeling of liberation, if necessary, scream.

2. Trust someone. It is not a requirement that you tell everyone what happens to you. You know perfectly in whom trust and who is interested in you? wellness , so talk to that person.

3. Write a diary or blog. Recognizing your pain or fear reduces the likelihood of getting sick or falling into depression. Plasma your feelings in writing to free yourself.


It ends with guilt

1. What did I do to deserve this; How could it happen to me? The way you respond directly influences the way out of this situation in a timely manner. It is normal for you to blame others for "paying your pain," but you must be careful not to end up with a cluster of grudges . Only you are responsible for your actions.

2. Forgive and let go of resentments . Be honest and admit when you do not approve the other person's actions.

3. Do not feel like a rug. Forgives , but take steps to prevent that person from taking advantage of you in the future.

4. Decide . Does it help you to be angry? At the end of the day, the only one who has that feeling is you, nobody else affects you.

Motivate yourself

1. Look for motivations. How many times do we leave for a thousand and one plans that we want to make, due to lack of time or to prioritize other projects or tasks. Decide, today is the time to do it, so stop and sign up for that kind of yoga , kick boxing or anything else you've always wanted.

Every day is an opportunity to heal and correct those things that you do not agree with. Remember that there is no date that does not arrive, nor a deadline that is not met, the time for heal your wounds is today. And you, what changes are you making or do you want to make in order not to fall into the same crisis?

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Video Medicine: What is a Healing Crisis | Detoxification Crisis?? (April 2024).