4 drinks that harm male sexuality

The sexual health both men and women, is affected by the lifestyle and eating habits they carry. The experts of University Hospital of Copenhagen identified that there are several types of beverages that affect the sexuality of men when they are consumed regularly and in excess. GetQoralHealth Tells you what these drinks are.

Refreshments: According to this research, men who frequently drink more than one liter of soft drink per day have 30% less production of sperm , compared to those who drink natural water.

Coffee: According to various studies, drinking a cup of coffee before sexual activity can increase the activity of the sperm and improve performance. However, according to Medical Research Council , the excess of coffee (more than three cups a day) reduces the count of sperm because it contains high levels of phytoestrogens .

Alcohol: According to data from the Kasturba Medical University, the alcohol causes abnormalities in the sperm. The alcoholism causes social, mental and emotional changes that negatively affect the sexual desire and hinder performance.

Mint tea: In accordance with Healthy Fellow, mint tea produces hormonal changes and decreases levels of testosterone . In men, it affects the androgens . These hormones are responsible for male development, including hair growth patterns, vocal changes and fertility .

These new investigations do not prohibit the consumption of these drinks, on the contrary they promote their moderate consumption. It is well known that all excesses harm the Health . Therefore, we recommend you measure yourself and drink at least two liters of water per day.