6 causes of eating disorders

Eating disorders such as anorexy and the bulimia They are two very complex conditions that attack both men and women, however, they are the ones who are more likely to suffer them.

According to information published byEllen West , scientific research indicates that the proportion between women and men with these conditions is approximately 9 to 1, that is, in every 10 cases there is only one man.

That is why generic, social and psychological distinctions make theobesity Yet the thinness in preferentially feminine subjects. Both of them Eating disorders They have a very important social component: the culture of thinness, which is a strategy of control over women.

Causes of bulimia and anorexia

  • Fashion: the Pressure to which women are subjected to satisfy a certain ideal of beauty that fashion imposes is very rigorous, and although this also happens in men, it is less so.
  • Media: The advertising of clothing, cosmetics, shoes and various accessories, in addition to the presence of artists and models leads women to want to imitate them.

· Family factors: the negative factors within the home, both hereditary and environmental, play an important role in the appearance of Eating Disorders . In some cases, on the recommendation of the mothers, the girls try to lose weight. Although mothers can have a large influence on their children in regard to eating disorders, overly critical parents and siblings can also play an important role in the development of anorexia and bulimia in girls.

· Personal vulnerability: not accept as a person, have a low self esteem , insecurity, being too perfectionist, having excessive self-demands, worrying too much about what others think, perceiving that there is little control over one's life, not being sociable.

· Emotional disorders: the depression , disorder anxiety or both, often accompany eating disorders.

· Excessive exercise: personality disorders that make them vulnerable to this criticism, the effects can cause them to lose excessive weight.

As a result, women feel more dissatisfied with their bodies, more interest in their appearance Y weight body, which is why they are most frequently involved in efforts to control the weight . In this way, the condition of being a woman becomes a risk factor for the development ofEating Disorders .

And do you worry about your figure?

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Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 signs your teen might have an eating disorder (April 2024).