6 signs to know if you have syphilis

The syphilis is a transmission disease caused by a bacterium . It infects the genital area, the lips, the mouth or the anus. It affects ladies and gentleman. It is usually acquired through intimate contact. It can also be transmitted from the mother to the child during pregnancy .

The symptoms of syphilis they are manifested in stages, they can be separated by latent phases or periods in which there is no symptomatology. In each phase the signs are different, but the symptoms of syphilis they are not always presented in the same order.

For this reason it is very difficult for people to know if they have this disease or not. If you think you have syphilis , take into account the following signals.

First stage

1. A sore or sore, open, moist, painless sore chancre . The cankers They appear three weeks after the infection, but may take up to 90 days to manifest. If they are not treated, they last between three and six weeks.

2. The cankers appear in genitals , vagina , neck of uterus , lips, mouth, breasts or anus. They can also appear ganglia inflamed


Second stage

3. After the cankers , symptoms can appear and disappear for up to two years. During this time, body rashes may appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

4. Among the symptoms that stand out in this phase are fever , sore throat, fatigue , loss of weight and hair, inflammation of ganglia , headache and muscle aches.

Third stage

5. In this phase, if people with syphilis are not treated properly they suffer serious injuries in the nervous system , the heart, the brain or others organs . In this regard, the doctorDavid Barrios , sexologist and psychotherapist, explains how to treat and prevent syphilis:

6. The syphilis not treated in time can lead to death. This occurs between one and twenty years after the start of the infection.

The syphilis in its initial stages it is easy to treat. If you present some of these symptoms go immediately to your doctor. Remember that all damage caused by the syphilis in advanced stages it is irreversible.

Video Medicine: How do you know if you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? (April 2024).