Parkinson's disease most common in the 60 years

The evil of Parkinson It is a neurological degenerative and progressive disease, in which the patient presents tremor, rigidity and slowness in movements, as well as alterations in posture and gait. It affects men and women equally, and although it occurs after 60 years of age, there are cases that manifest themselves since the second decade of life.

World Parkinson's Day is celebrated on April 11. In this sense, through a press release, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) reported that in 2010, it provided about 132 thousand consultations for this disease.

About, Luis García Muñoz , specialist of Neurosurgery Service of the High Specialty Medical Unit (UMAE) XXI Century of the IMSS, said that the main non-motor symptoms of the disease are depression , digestive disorders , alterations in language and sensitivity, among others.

He commented that the cause of the evil is still unknown. However, he said, there is another similar illness called Parkinson's syndrome or Secondary parkinsonism , of which risk factors are known, such as cerebral stroke , heavy metal poisoning (mercury, manganese, zinc) and by contact with pesticides, among others. To address both conditions, the IMSS provides pharmacological, surgical and rehabilitative treatment: "Medication treatment is provided, however, when the phenomenon appears" wearing-off ", that is, when the drugs no longer manage to control the rigidity or tremor With the usual dose, surgery should be considered, "said García Múñoz.

The surgical intervention consists in the electrical stimulation of cerebral structures, which can reduce and even suppress the symptoms, improving with it the quality of life of the beneficiary. Even with surgery, García Múñoz made it clear that drugs, rehabilitation and psychological care are still part of the integral treatment.

The physical rehabilitation consists of a series of exercises that favor the mobility of the extremities; the most frequent are done by stationary bicycle and swimming is promoted hydrotherapy.

Video Medicine: Alternative Therapies in Parkinson's Disease (April 2024).