Herbal medicine in the past and present

If you have ever wondered about the origin of herbal remedies, it is necessary to take a look at the past as therapies and herbal medicines have been present for a long time in almost all civilizations of the world. As the years passed and science progressed, herbal medicines were forgotten because the popularity of chemical treatments was increasing.

Fortunately, in the latter there is a resurgence of this medical practice. This may be due to the fact that people are thinking of other ways to take advantage of natural and energy resources, and of course, better ways to take care of their money.


Thanks to Hipócrates

Hippocrates I believed that human beings should be one with nature and always live in harmony with the natural environment; therefore, I thought that if people get sick, the best place to look for a cure is in what the earth offers. This philosopher is owed knowledge of many of the benefits of herbs Y plants , since it was erected as a strong defender of natural medicine.

As is to be expected, the approval process of the plants as natural remedies was not easy, especially in the early stages.

Every herbal medicine it must go through a testing and verification methodology to know if it works, in what conditions and for what conditions it can be applied. These investigations and techniques are maintained to this day.


Herbal remedies against modern medicine

There are different types of drugs and medicines for any type of disease. The main advantage of modern medicine is that medicines they are available all the time for those who have the economic means to acquire them. Unfortunately, many times we do not take into account the consequences for our body that can lead to the consumption of these products.

On the other hand, plant-based cures rarely have contraindications (as long as they are prescribed by an expert). Besides being an excellent alternative to heal, the cost it represents is much lower than that of the processed drugs. It is enough to immerse yourself a little in the sea of ​​possibilities offered by the herbal and realize the benefits of it.

Video Medicine: Alternative Medicine Herbal Remedies : Herbal Quit Smoking Products (April 2024).