Light that heals ...

A blood pressure high, for a long time, increases the effort made by the heart and the arteries According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) hypertension is responsible for 25% of heart attacks and 51% of heart attacks strokes .

However, there are small actions that can help reduce the blood pressure; example, expose yourself to the sun's rays.


Light that heals ...

An investigation published by the magazine Journal of Investigate Dermatology notes that the skin It contains large stores of nitrogen oxides, particularly nitrates, and exposure to solar radiation could mobilize these compounds from their storage location to the circulation and reduce the blood pressure.

The study, which was conducted by experts from the department of Experimental Medicine and Integrative Biology , with the participation of 24 volunteers, who exposed their forearm to solar lamps during 20 minute sessions.

As a result it was found that UVA rays dilate blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and alter the levels of nitrogen metabolites in the circulation, without modifying blood levels. vitamin D, that had been linked in previous studies with the blood pressure.

A person with years of hypertension without control, often has a heart enlarged and the walls of narrow arteries. It can also cause apoplexy, congestive heart failure, renal insufficiency.

Many of our health problems start from the habits , and although avoiding excess sunlight is essential to prevent skin cancer, not exposing yourself to it at all and leaving it out of our lifestyle could increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Video Medicine: Light That Heals (May 2024).