Fracture care

A fracture is the total or partial rupture of a bone. It can be produced by a fall, strong blows or the violent contraction of a muscle. There are two types: closed, in which the bone breaks and the skin remains intact, and those in which the wound is open and the fractured bone moves outward.

People with osteoporosis have a higher risk of suffering a fracture, although they also become frequent in children and the elderly because their bone composition is more fragile.


What to do when presented

We will know that it is a fracture because the victim hears or feels the bone breaking. A fractured limb can deform or adopt an unnatural position.

Medical help should be sought immediately. Meanwhile, maneuvers can be carried out to avoid additional damage. The injured person should be kept in a comfortable position. It is recommended that you recharge the injured area on a cushion or sheets.

In case of hemorrhage, it should stop. This is achieved by pressing on the sides of the wound with a sterile bandage, clean cloth or garment for 10 minutes until the bleeding stops. The area near the wound should be cleaned with antiseptics to prevent possible infection.

A "splint" is used to immobilize the area. The slats can be made of wood, cardboard, plastic or rolled newspaper; They should be placed on both sides of the bone and be larger than this. To hold them it is convenient to use adhesive cloth or a rope, tighten firmly but without interrupting the circulation.

Ice wrapped in a cloth can be applied to the immobilized limb to fight inflammation.

In case of fainting or shallow breathing, it is essential to lay the victim down with the head a little lower than the rest of the body.

Any wound that looks like a fracture should be treated as such, even if it is not.


What not to do


  • Elevate the fractured leg or arm in case of hemorrhage, doing so can further damage the tissues.
  • Force or pull the bone, as well as try to put it in place. This technique is only performed in a dislocation.
  • Massage the area where there is a broken bone or where there is a suspected fracture.
  • Apply ointments or ointments.


Something we should not forget


  • Although some people know the techniques to accommodate broken bones, it is advisable to go to the specialist.
  • All those injuries that look like it should be treated as a fracture, even if they are not.
  • When a bone is broken it must be kept fixed so as not to cause more damage. Therefore, the victim should not be moved unless he is in danger.
  • All of these injuries need medical help. Only a specialized person can rearrange broken bones.
  • The exposed fractures are even more delicate, there is a risk of infection and blood loss.

But first of all you have to consult a doctor for specialized care.  

Video Medicine: Emergency Medical Care : How to Treat an Open Fracture During First Aid (April 2024).