Fat and overweight do not intervene in lipid problems

The Study of Body Composition in the Elderly developed by the Center for Food and Development Research CIAD, determined that there are older adults with almost 50% of their weight in fat. However, when your blood glucose situation, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL, were analyzed, blood pressure and dyslipidemia, it was found that body fat was not related to these alterations or risk factors.

The elderly or elderly have a greater amount of total and central fat, so you can think that you have a higher risk of alterations in the lipid profile (cholesterol, total, good cholesterol, or HDL and triglycerides) and metabolism of glucose, thus contributing to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Both adults of normal weight and chubby, had hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, high blood pressure and glucose abnormalities. Therefore it can be stated that more than total body fat, the most important is the location of it.

Due to age and sedentary lifestyle, older adults undergo hormonal changes and have more fat compared to adults. During aging, more adipose tissue gradually accumulates, while at the same time losing fat-free body mass, particularly muscle fat. The extremities of the older adult, denote less amount of muscle and bulging in the central part.

Video Medicine: Demystifying Medicine 2017: Obesity: Brown and Other Fat (April 2024).