Enjoy the benefits!

Various studies show that the reiki It is useful to reduce anxiety and pain, accelerate healing and provide well-being. Therefore, this treatment is officially recognized as alternative medicine by the United States government.

The National Center for Complementary or Alternative Medicine (NCCAM, for its acronym in English) reports that there are currently more than 800 hospitals in the United States that offer this type of therapy.

The University of Michigan School of Medicine teaches reiki to nurses and medical personnel to use it as a complement in the treatment of patients. Even Hartford Hospital in Connecticut is a pioneer in robotic surgery and in the application of this therapy to their patients.

You may also be interested: 10 benefits of reiki


Enjoy the benefits!

In the opinion of the NCCAM, this therapy reduces anxiety, muscle tension and pain, accelerates healing and provides well-being.

The National Center for Complementary or Alternative Medicine He points out that Reiki has a series of advantages, which facilitates its use as a complement to traditional medicine.

One of them is that the patient does not need to "believe" in the therapy, since it acts independently of the opinions or points of view of the person who receives it.

Another point in its favor is that it has no side effects with drugs or treatments, on the contrary, it tends to reduce them.


This happens in a session ...

According to the Spanish psychotherapist Inma Baselga, Reiki, also known as "light energy", penetrates the organism through theete chacras main (energy centers), located from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

The goal of this therapy is to distribute the energy throughout the body so that it regains balance.

The therapist places his hands on the receiver's body (which remains with the clothes on) and lets the energy flow. A session can last from a few minutes to an hour or more.

Video Medicine: ENJOYPHOENIX X BENEFIT (April 2024).