Enemies not so secret ...

Approximately 43% of women have experienced some type of sexual dysfunction; 20% have never known an orgasm, says the sexologist Ezequiel López Peralta. The doubt is, What causes these problems in bed?


Cold feet! According to a study by the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands , ensures that 80% of women, who were part of the project, more easily achieve orgasm if they wear socks. Since a pleasant environment includes a quality temperature ".


Enemies not so secret ...

Many of the things that alter sexual desire are present in everyday life, here we tell you what they are, with information from Celia Laniado, member of the Argentine Sexological Federation.


1. Incompatible size of the genitals

Hard to believe, but real. An example of this is a small penis with a large vagina or vice versa.


2. Difference of tastes

Here we highlight mainly sexual preferences, desires and erotic fantasy: taste for disguises, changing roles, staging or making love with the light on or off, naked or with clothes, while watching a movie ... or other actions that break the monotony in privacy


3. Positions

There are five basic positions from which 65 varieties emerge, there are people who always prefer the same position, because only then can they climax; while the partner may produce more excitement another posture.


4. There is manipulation

Any of the members of the relationship try, constantly, that the other makes his wishes; that is, he does not give importance to the pleasure of the other but to his own.


5. Schedules

Significant differences. He has a greater preference for intimacy at dawn, while she prefers at night. This variation can alter the activities of each one's daily life, and therefore of their state of encouragement and desire .


To begin, you must evaluate if the sexual difficulty is temporary (less six months) or permanent (more than six months and represents a warning signal, it is a matter of prevention). Sexual problems are easy to solve if they are always treated on time ", says the sexologist Celia Laniado.

Remember that communication is essential: Try to respect your partner while they talk about the subject.

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