Eat well and enjoy your partner!

If it has happened to you that observing your partner makes you want to fight, maybe it is due to the amount of sugar in your blood. According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a low level of sugar makes you aggressive.

In the investigation it is detailed that the low level of glucose in the blood, caused by hunger, makes a person feel anger and anger towards his partner, that is, increased their aggressiveness.


Eat well and enjoy your partner!

Brad Bushman researcher at the Ohio State University, in the United States , details the simple fact of being hungry is a risk factor of tension between couples , since increasing anger and aggression generates arguments or violence.

Scientists explain that one of the main reasons is that the glucose It is the main fuel of the brain, which is used for the self-control of anger and aggressive impulses.

In this way, the relationship between low levels of glucose and the minimum capacity for self-control of people facing strong emotions such as anger or anger.

In the study it is detailed that the link between glycemia and anger It occurs in all couples, even those who feel 100% satisfied with their relationship or marriage.

So the authors recommend couples to eat some food before discussing with the couple, in this way they will not be hungry, their levels of sugar In the blood they will be normal and they will be able to solve their problems in a more friendly way.

If you think your partner is angry or upset about something, invite him or her to a snack or a snack and talk quietly, so that the aggression does not take over. And you, how much anger do you feel for your partner?