Does your stomach govern your mood?

When talking about the state of mind, the last thing that comes to mind is the digestive system, because at first glance there is no relationship; However, stress, sadness, worry or some other emotion have a direct relationship, with respect to the functioning of the digestive system, and vice versa.

This is due to the substance called serotonin (neurotransmitter or compound), which mostly occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and transmits signals to our brain.

When this substance, also known as "humor hormone", decreases, in most cases it is associated with some gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticula, constipation and colorectal cancer.

Therefore, with the scientific evidence that we have in this regard, we can say that if the digestive system is functioning properly, all the substances produced there will be in balance, thus achieving a better management of emotions and unexpected situations. that arise from the environment, such as stress - from overwork - or depression, to name a few.

It is known that 30% of the Mexican population has Irritable Bowel Syndrome, of which 60% is associated with anxiety and stress, but how can the digestive system be kept in good working order? With an adequate diet that includes daily fiber, for example:

1. Consume foods like whole grains - covering with it the daily fiber requirement (30 grams) -.
2. Include in the daily diet vegetables, fruits and legumes such as beans, beans, chickpeas, among others.
3. Include foods from various groups will give variety to the diet, at the same time it will help to consume what we need daily fiber.

Studies from the University of Cardiff in the United Kingdom, concluded that people who ate foods with more fiber had less emotional stress, less cognitive difficulties, more positive attitude and less depressive levels.

Video Medicine: The Mind-Gut Connection | A Woman's Journey (May 2024).