Do you walk with him out of love or revenge?

After ending a relationship it is normal to feel sad and confused.

It is such a vulnerability that you can get to have that you can get to do really unexpected things like walking with your friend former .

Although it sounds crazy to you, many women go through this situation without knowing what they will face.

A magazine of national circulation assures that the actress Sherlyn finally took an opportunity in love, with another politician, which is called Marcelo García Almaguer and is 41 years old. The problem: he is a friend of his ex.

So that it does not happen to you and you have clarity, the psychologist Claudia Gutiérrez Flores, explains exclusively for GetQoralHealth if walk with a friend of your ex It is a good or bad idea.


Do you walk with him out of love or revenge?

Reflect if you want to walk with him because he really attracts you or because you want to give him jealousy to your ex. If you do it for the last reason, the only one that will get hurt will be you.


It will not be an easy relationship

Walk with a friend of your ex It brings problems from the beginning. Why? Simply because the shadow of your ex will always be present, comparisons will be inevitable and will surely be met in meetings.


Your ex may speak ill of you

If the relationship did not have a good term and you former is someone immature or caring, could damage your image in front of your new partner.

There is a saying that says: What starts well, ends well. Walk with your ex's friend , it can bring you to your life more complications . Think about it before making this decision. Luck!


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Video Medicine: The Best Revenge Is Letting Go & Moving On With Your Life (Inspirational Speech) (April 2024).