Dietary supplements for a flat stomach

Dietary supplements increase the contribution of nutrients in your diet, so that their action benefits a better functioning of the body, and especially the digestion , so they help you effectively lose weight and have a flat stomach .

There are several accessories that improve your intestinal function , and in general your health, according to, including:

1. Fiber supplements : They are made up of vegetable carbohydrates Y soluble and insoluble fiber that stimulate the intestinal transit and a better elimination of waste, so that the absorption of nutrients is greater and avoids doing so with the Saturated fats .

2. Frutoligosaccharides (FOS) : They are a type of Soluble fiber composed of units of fructose that our body is not able to digest them or assimilate them, but that their fermentation (by bifidobacteria) are beneficial and regulate the function of the large intestine , in addition to balancing intestinal flora .  

3. Pectins: S It is about carbohydrates that are part of the Soluble fiber, that, when in contact with water, forms gels that increase the volume of stool and favors an adequate gastric emptying. Are antidiarrheal , improve insulin intolerance and decrease insulin levels cholesterol in the blood.

4. Mucilages : They are a type of Soluble fiber that are found in some plants and seeds that prevent intestinal decomposition and constipation by forming a gel.

In addition to catching the cholesterol , helps to expel fecal waste from the body and toxins that encourage the appearance of Cancer . It also regulates the level of sugar in the blood .

It is important that before taking any type of dietary supplement, consult a specialist to assess whether or not there is a need to include them in your diet, as well as the dosage and form of administration.

To consume them in an inadequate way can cause that your organism stops absorbing some essential minerals and vitamins, reason why it is necessary to do it always under a suitable orientation.

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Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).