How many calories you need a day?

Currently you can find several calorie diets such as 2 thousand calories, 2 500 calories and others, but the question remains what is the right amount for you?

To determine the amount of calories you require, you must first understand the principle of Basal Metabolic Rate (TMB). This refers to the amount of calories your body burns even at rest.

This rate can vary greatly from person to person and is generally determined by genetics. Although it is known that men have a higher metabolic rate compared to women, because they naturally have greater muscle mass

TMB is also affected by hormones. For example, thyroxine, which is created in the thyroid gland. If the body does not produce enough thyroxine, it will decrease. On the other hand, if you produce too much thyroxine, your metabolic rate could rise even up to 100% of your normal rhythm.


Estimation of your caloric requirements

A quick and simple way to calculate caloric needs is to multiply your current weight by 15, in order to have the number of daily calories needed just to maintain your current weight.

For example, if you weigh 140 pounds (approximately 63 kilograms), you will need about 2 100 calories daily to maintain that weight (15 x 140 = 2100). However, this is only an estimate.

That calculation only gives you the amount of calories needed to maintain your weight. If you want to eliminate fat, multiply your current weight by 10. Let's say that you weigh 130 pounds (59 kilograms approximately), you should limit your daily calorie intake to 1 300 (10 x 130).

Video Medicine: Calories Per Day to Lose Weight (April 2024).