Cocaine produces silent heart attacks

The usual use of cocaine produces cardiac infarctions silent, that is, attacks that do not present any type of symptom.

The specialists evaluated the cardiac health of thirty users of cocaine , with an average age of 37 years; they used cocaine for an average of twelve years, and consumed about 5.5 grams of this drug up to date.

Inhalation is the most common way to use cocaine but ten said they injected intravenously and two who smoked it. More than half of these addicts also use other substances, such as heroin Y alcohol , and one in five is infected with hepatitis C or HIV .

Cardiac function is normal in almost all users of cocaine , however, twelve had localized anomalies, 83% structural damage, and 47% inflammation (edema ) of the lower left ventricle. The edema was associated with increased consumption of cocaine .

The Dr. Belchi , deputy doctor of the cardiology service of the General Hospital of Valencia explain below what a heart attack :

The study found that 73% of addicts have scars in the heart tissue (fibrosis ), probably caused by a heart attack silent or for toxic damage. In addition, addicts reveal myocarditis , which is the inflammation of the muscle cardiac disease caused by a heart attack not lethal.

Addictions are a disease that little by little damage the physical and emotional health of those who use them and the people around them. If you have any type of addiction do not hesitate to ask for help to improve your quality of life.

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Video Medicine: Your Brain on Crack Cocaine (May 2024).