How to stop smoking without quitting

There are many reasons why people seek how to stop smoking but without leaving the cigar . Among them, the high risk of suffering some types of cancers that are associated with the smoking .

However, there are also reasons that make it difficult give up smoking . First, the nicotine at tobacco creates addiction , so that a daily dose becomes necessary.

Second, the habit . Many people need to bring a cigar in the hand or do the act of inhaling, for the fact of being habit and because it provides satisfaction psychological In addition, they feel good about themselves.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Lilia Isabel Ramírez explains the lines of treatment to stop smoking:

If you do not know how give up smoking without leaving the cigar , there are currently methods which are divided into:

1. The use of nicotine in dose minors with time.
2. The rehabilitation psychological, either through therapy or support from specialists.

Most of the methods against him smoking they focus on the use of nicotine in smaller doses. For example, patches Y chewing gums of nicotine .
These methods have their disadvantages, especially as regards habit of smoke it means; they do not substitute them and users even abuse their consumption until they have side effects like addiction , irritability and weight gain.

In this sense, the electronic cigarette It is a method for give up smoking which addresses both parties: the replacement of nicotine and the habit .

The electronic cigarette is a device the same size as cigar normal that generates a vapor of liquid from nicotine , with flavoring to cigar and other non-toxic substances, to distribute the nicotine in the same way as a regular one.

The person who uses a electronic cigarette can consume a high dose of nicotine or simply dispense with it completely, as desired.

Despite being an option to leave this habit , there is a legal dilemma of the benefits and effects of electronic cigarette , where some studies show that it is effective and does not harm health: while others reveal that the level of nicotine is not controlled and that its components can induce a Cancer .

In this regard, both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), have stated that it is not advisable to use electronic cigarette because it contains agents carcinogenic .

For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not allow advertising of electronic cigars as a treatment for give up smoking .

The sale to the public is legal in industrialized countries such as the European Union and the United States; However, given that countries like Mexico they have not done studies or tests. In fact, there are indications that there is pressure from the tobacco companies not to allow these products to be sold, due to their high effectiveness as a method of give up smoking .

At present, the only options that have the approval of science are: substitution therapies with nicotine (patches and chewing gum ), the antidepressant Bupropion, Varenicline (Champix), or through psychological techniques.

Video Medicine: Stop Smoking : How to Rebuild the Lungs After Quitting Smoking (April 2024).