These are signs that your pregnancy could be in danger

All pregnancies involve certain risks, either because of the conditions that develop during the same, or because you have a chronic disease. If you want to know what signals tell you Your pregnancy could be in danger, Check this data.

In the first months of gestation, spontaneous abortions can occur between 50 and 70% of cases, indicates the Clinical Practice Guide of the Federal Government . It is even likely that between 15 and 20% of clinically diagnosed pregnancies are lost in the first trimester or at the beginning of the second without any maternal repercussions.

Be alert to the following signs that warn you that your pregnancy is in danger:

1. Loss of blood. However small it is, it is always a worrisome symptom that must be evaluated by a specialist.

2. Abdominal pain. If it is intense and persistent, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

3. Severe nausea and vomiting. Morning light nausea that appears in some pregnant women in the first trimester,
they are normal, more acute, they are a negative signal.

4. Fever. With more than 38 degrees, it's time to consult your doctor.

5. Pain and stinging when urinating. Beware this can be a symptom of a urinary infection and these disorders affect the growth and development of the fetus.

6. Sudden swelling of the feet, hands and face. It can be a sign of you are holding liquids and that is not good at all.

7. Intense dizziness or vision disorders such as the appearance of spots or flashes of light.

8. Constant headache. It may be normal due to hormonal changes but pay attention if they persist and are intense.

9. Loss of fluid through the vagina. On the last weeks of pregnancy Special attention must be paid to this point.

10. Abrupt change in the size of the uterus. Whenever this happens ask your doctor.

11. Absence of fetal movement. As of the fifth month, check that every day he responds in some way.

12. Strong and intense contractions. Before the 39th week of gestation, they could indicate a premature birth.

Your pregnancy should be developed calmly, but if you present any of these symptoms, do not let go and consult your doctor, the sooner you attend, the better you take care of your health and that of your baby. Do not put your pregnancy in danger.

Video Medicine: Fibroids & Pregnancy (April 2024).