Changes drive personal growth

There is a law that tells us that everything is in constant movement, that nothing is static. This is the Law of Vibration which says: "Nothing is immobile; everything is in motion; everything vibrates. " This means for us that the only constant will be the changes , for which it is necessary to learn for your personal growth.

Being human we like habits and customs because they give us an "apparent" security, forgetting that everything is moving all the time, that nothing remains the same, that we are going to suffer a change . The only way to live this without being affected is by learning to flow and adapting to the changes . Understanding that it is not personal, that it is a universal law and that we can incorporate ourselves into it and open ourselves lovingly to the changes to have a better time.

All the experiences that we live are for something, it is not about suffering them, much less loading them. These changes they give us the possibility of to learn and to grow, it is through experience that we can know what we like, what is good for us and what is not. It is about experiencing, that is, trial and error to learn to know myself.

There is a saying that we are the only animals that stumble a thousand times with the same stone. It's the last straw! Being us animals with a self reflective awareness ; This means that I know that I know, animals know many things but do not know what they know, it is pure instinct. The error is not in making mistakes, but in continuing to make the same mistake.

The ego is the reason why we do not just learn from our experiences, the ego has many defense mechanisms to guarantee its existence, the ego is the fear that always has an excuse, a justification or a pretext so that we do not see reality and realize what serves us and what does not.

Only the reflection It will make us aware and when we can see it without identifying ourselves by putting us adjectives qualifying, but simply by learning from the experience with the absolute certainty that it will also change.

If we live something that we do not like, it is enough not to repeat it so that the experience has been worthwhile. This is the only way to to learn . Know yourself, accept yourself and act accordingly.

If the only constant are the changes, this law also applies to us, it is worth changing, renewing, innovating and reinventing ourselves. This is the gift of our lives for us to make our own in opinion and experience. Remember that nothing is forever.

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Video Medicine: Change your mindset, change the game | Dr. Alia Crum | TEDxTraverseCity (May 2024).