Change of schedule could cause heart attack

Scientists of the University of Alabama , in Birmingham , they assure that the change of schedule damages the health and that advancing an hour the clock increases the risk of suffering a heart attack .

In the next video the Dr. Belchi of the Hospital of Valencia explain for GetQoralHealth what is a heart attack :

Although specialists do not know precisely what is the mechanism that causes this reaction, they believe that changes in the schedule, no matter how small, alter the body's internal biological clock. According to the study, this change increases the risk of suffering a 10% heart attack during the two days following the change.


Why can this happen?

1. Every cell of the organism is governed by its own molecular clock, which allows tissues and organs Anticipate the events of the day and night.

2. When there is a change in schedule, the rhythm of sleep is disturbed and causes disorders such as insomnia , which triggers the increase in stress .

3. The increase of stress develops the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases .

With the upcoming schedule change take precautions to take care of your Health If you have trouble sleeping try to relax, in this way you avoid the increase of stress and of heart attack . Beware!

Video Medicine: Heart Attacks & Depression (May 2024).