Brown fat, effective fight against obesity

Scientists of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) reveal that the brown fat Combats obesity, because it is a tissue that burns calories and lipids to keep the body at a stable temperature.

According to the study published on the ETH page, Markus Stoffel, director of research , ensures that through a molecule you can activate brown fat, as well as favoring its reproduction to help combat overweight or obesity.

To effectively burn white fat in people with obesity, the functioning of brown fat cells should be stimulated with a chemically modified oligonucleotide called anti-miR.

The researchers detailed that the nucleic acid miRNA-133 is key in the formation and activation of brown adipocytes (brown fat) during exposure to cold.

Therefore, the anti-miR must be incorporated so that the body consumes more energy and burns fat effectively.


Brown fat, effective fight against obesity

Other research in Spain, have revealed that there are other types of molecules or proteins that activate the production of brown fat, as explained in the following video:

A study published by the magazine Cell Metabolism It highlights that brown fat is detected by exposing people to extreme cold, which activates the thermogenesis function.


But what is brown fat?

Normally, brown fat occurs in the first years of life of the human being, since this tissue helps to fight the cold. It is formed in the neck, along the sternum and between the shoulders, that is, five percent of the body weight of babies corresponds to this adipose tissue.

Brown fat burns large amounts of calories to keep the temperature stable in babies, in order to protect them from hypothermia.

However, after several studies, scientists say that adults with a stable weight record some of this adipose tissue in their body, unlike individuals with obesity, which prevents the burning of "white" fat. And you, would you be willing to use a treatment to activate your brown fat?

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Video Medicine: Dr Paul Lee - Treating Diabetes and Obesity Through Brown Fat (May 2024).