Bone densitometry is key to your health

With the purpose of improving the quality of life of women, Barreda y Asociados Radilogía e Imagen , they have a discount of 30% for you mammograms , bone densitometry Y ultrasound , studies that will allow you to diagnose any illness or injury in time. In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Raúl Barrera , director of the company, explains what each one is for. Know them!

Bone densitometry. It is a test that measures bone density, that is, the amount of calcium in the bone. In standard form it is measured in the hip and in the spine by means of an apparatus similar to a ray equipment, not being invasive for the patient.

The decrease in bone density or osteoporosis It is greater in women than in men for hormonal reasons. Conducting annual serial exams is possible through densitometry, control the outcome of treatment or progress of the osteoporosis .

Mammography. You can show tumors long before they are large enough for the doctor to see them. It is a study that must be carried out every year, to detect in time the breast cancer . The person doing the study places the breast between two plastic plates. The surfaces press the breast making it flatter.

Ultrasound. Ultrasound or ultrasound takes advantage of high-frequency sound waves to observe organs and structures within the body. During the scan, a special technician or doctor moves a device called a transducer over some part of the body. It sends sound waves that bounce off the tissues inside the body.

GetQoralHealth in union with Barreda y Asociados Radilogía e Imagen , they have a super gift for you, so that you can take care of yourself and prevent various diseases. You only have to print this coupon and enjoy the benefits. Beware!

Video Medicine: Bone Density: What You Should Know (April 2024).