Black pepper vs obesity

This aromatic seasoning reduces the levels of grease of the blood , which helps prevent diseases such as diabetes , detonated by the overweight and obesity , according to research published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, where they explained that this effect is due to the piperine .

The piperine is precisely what it gives the Pepper its characteristic spicy flavor, where said alkaloid , which interferes with the activity of genes that help the formation of new fat cells , help metabolism .

It also has a high content in fiber , so it favors the intestinal transit ; In addition, it is recommended to improve control of the glycemia in people with diabetes , reduce the cholesterol and prevent the colon cancer .

A very simple way to consume it accompanied by lean meats, fish and even in salads, is with a sauce, so in GetQoralHealth we give you the recipe:


Black pepper sauce

Ingredients (the quantities of the ingredients are adjusted according to the needs): 25 grams of pepper, 1 cup of low-fat liquid cream for cooking, sea salt (to taste), and 2 tablespoons of cognac.

Preparation :

1. Put the cream in a saucepan over low heat.
2. When hot, add a little salt and peppercorns.
3. Leave in the fire for a few minutes without stopping to remove, so that it does not stick.
4. Add the cognac and continue stirring until lightly consumed. Let it sit for a few minutes and that's it.

For all its benefits, it is recommended to eat foods or extracts of black pepper to prevent high levels of cholesterol, diabetes and diseases related to overweight and obesity .