Beyond the benefits ...

It is the largest organ in the human body, and one of the most important for life. According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States , the liver has the function of transforming food into energy, eliminating alcohol and toxins in the blood.


But nevertheless, habits, as the excessive consumption of drinks and infusions can cause damage to this part of the organism . Although, what are the drinks that put you in danger?


Beyond the benefits ...

The new guidelines of the American College of Gastroenterology They warn about relying too much on "natural" herbal products, especially on the mistaken belief that they could be safer than prescription medications.

That's why we tell you the drinks that can damage your liver .

1. Green tea . Drinking a few cups a day is not harmful. However, in the case of green tea concentrates it is different. According to the expert Herbert Bonkovsky, of the Health System in Charlotte , a high dose of this extract in susceptible people can generate liver injuries.

2. Kava. It is made from the roots of the Piper methysticum plant, better known as the base for a ceremonial drink in Oceania, but is also sold to treat the anxiety and the insomnia. This can cause damage hepatic, indicates Bonkovsy.

3. Not all alcohol affects in the same way . Beverages that contain a higher degree of alcohol, such as tequila, or guaro in our country could cause greater injuries to liver in less time, compared to drinks that contain less alcohol, such as wine, so says the expert José Carlos Fernández Checa, researcher at the Biomedical Research Institute of Barcelona, ​​Spain.

4. Chaparral. Extract of a bush known as jarilla, is used by people to relieve rashes. However, it can cause damage to liver , this due to a containing agent called NDGA, which injures this organ.

Bonkovsky points out that it can be a little complicated to diagnose liver damage. However, some of its symptoms may be the following: pain in the area, yellow color in the skin and fatigue.

Remember that before you decide to consume something it is necessary that you go before a health expert. Beware!

Video Medicine: Beyond Benefits Pilot Episode (May 2024).