Beet juice vs. hypertension

A recent investigation found that the juice consumption of beetroot could reduce the blood pressure .

The beetroot It is a root widely used as food for both humans and animals. The beetroot it is a source of vitamins A and C, iron and others minerals , carotenoids Y Dietary fiber .

This study suggests that the beetroot acts on sugar levels, blood pressure Y cholesterol . It also indicates that its high content of fiber dietetics reduces the blood pressure systolic in patients with diabetes type 2

Learn more properties beetroot in the following video:

The specialists discovered that the juice of beetroot reduces the blood pressure during the 24 hours following its intake. They observed that the reduction of blood pressure it was almost independent of the amount of juice beetroot that was consumed.

A wide variety of foods besides beetroot have been evaluated to determine their possible effects on the blood pressure . Various studies suggest that garlic and chocolate could also combat hypertension .

Enjoy the benefits of this root, include it in your diet , in this way you prevent and control the blood pressure high.

Video Medicine: The Miracle Healing of Beet Juice for High Blood Pressure and Your Heart - Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C. (May 2024).