Each personality brings something to the relationship!

Thinking about the relationship of couples in Mexico refers to the traditional, that is, to the love of the Mexican that existed in the grandparents' time, where the woman was passive and administrator of the home, while the man served as the dominant provider , ensures psychologist Miriam Hernánde z.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Miriam Hernández, specialist at the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) , details that beyond the traditional, the Mexican has other qualities that he uses in relationships such as:


  1. Passionate
  2. Hot
  3. delivered
  4. Outgoing
  5. Helpful
  6. Accommodating

These characteristics are what make the Mexican of other cultures different, where they are characterized by the individual part and provide only for them.

"We are always willing to serve and deliver, very important characteristics that differentiate us from others, it's like having those family roots," says Miriam Hernández.

From this point of view it is easier to understand the things that men do to attract women and establish a loving relationship, such as chivalry and serenades.

For its part, the woman is quite well received that has good seasoning, be warm and helpful.


Each personality brings something to the relationship!

It is very important to identify that each couple is different and each person has their particular characteristics. Therefore, one way to have a stable relationship is to mix these peculiarities a little.

The psychologist points out that it is very important to recognize that beyond the culture, each person has a different personality and character that makes it different, so recognizing those differences between them will allow finding a better balance in relationships. And you, do you love the Mexican?

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