Say goodbye

Tears, sadness and nostalgia are typical feelings of separation, so you may not be ready to discover the advantages of a loving break .

The last weeks or months before a breakup are usually exhausting, but once you put an end point you feel liberated and stress leaves your body, even though ending a relationship is painful, "says Claudia Gutiérrez Flores, PhD in Psychology of the UNAM with a specialty of positive psychology focused on health.


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Say goodbye

Many couples just do not experience the break prefer to stay in a relationship worn and choking. They do not make the decision to break but they live a broken relationship.

Gutiérrez Flores assures that: "Every lived break is connected with a specific lesson of something that you did not learn yet about your past, in relation to other people or to yourself. And until you pick up that gift, the break will be a burden that you will carry behind you, even if you insist on "burying" it in some corner of your unconscious. "