Be a loyal friend!

A friendship it is an affective bond with another human being that implies trust, closeness, intimacy without there being a blood bond or physical attraction, but, how can you find good friends?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, psychologist Miriam Hernández, specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) explains that we choose our friendships according to the identification.

For example, we find in some person characteristics in common, whether of personality, interests or activities, that is, it is like a mirror. We can even take friends as a guide, says the psychoanalyst.


Be a loyal friend!

Many times we can think that we do not have a friendship positive because we stop sharing interests or activities, or because personalities or roads change.

However, if you think that a friendship It is not loyal, you must analyze the reasons, that is, if a friend is not reliable or sincere you should think about the continuity with him.

For you to choose good friendships and enjoy your company for a while, the psychologist Miriam Hernández shares the following tips:

1. Ask yourself what you are looking for in a friend. Analyze if you are looking for someone who shares your tastes, interests or who helps you reach an ideal.

2. Evaluate trust What do you feel about that person?

3. Analyze if you have good communication with that person.

4. Identify if you have your support. That is to say, if you feel listened to and give you constructive advice or criticism, that involve affection.

5. It's fair . That is, attention is shown by both parties and not only by their interests.

It is important to ask yourself what kind of friendships You have, for example, if it happens to you that most of your friends betray you, surely it is not something of them, but it is something that is happening with you that is making you choose that kind of friendships. And you, do you have good friends?

Video Medicine: How to have loyal friends(5 steps) (May 2024).