
At any time accidents can occur and in young children more.

When there is a total airway obstruction in children, the procedures to clear the airways are not very different from those used in adults, only that it is necessary to make adjustments and variants that are related to the size of the infants.

Check out this guide on first aid in children and babies and save your life.



Baby is considered, at least for first aid purposes, infants that can be loaded with one hand, and manipulated with relative ease. For the attention to these, it is necessary to be seated, to have greater security in the treatment.

Take the child, holding him / her from the chest, face down towards our forehead with one hand on the length of the forearm.

With the hand that is free, specifically with the heel of the palm (which is the part adjacent to the wrist), five strong blows (in proportion to the child's development) and fast on the back are given. Once this is done, it is turned over and with the hooked finger the strange object is extracted.

It is best to do it in a single attempt, thus avoiding putting the life of the creature more at risk.



In the case of minors, that is to say: those who can not be held with one hand and who can remain standing; The procedure is very similar to that used with adults, but whoever applies it must be seated in order to adapt to the infant's height.

He is surrounded with his arms and the xiphoid appendix is ​​located (which is the point where the ribs converge, also known as the solar plexus, for further reference it is just above what we call "the mouth of the stomach") from that point onwards. Mark two fingers down; with one hand in fist and with the other wrapping it, raise your arms a little and make a violent movement in the form of J, with the necessary care not to injure more the minor of those who are helping you. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

It is very important that once the Heimlich maneuver is performed, emergency services are used or to go immediately to a doctor to assess the child.

Video Medicine: Emma Pretend BABYSITTING Baby Doll Toys (May 2024).