Make your bedroom an intimate space

Although each space in the home is special, without doubt room it is one of the favorite places where you have Privacy and where you spend the most time, but how to make your bedroom an intimate space , cozy and comfortable, that provides a true break after a day of hard work.


Have a break repairman is vital to the Health physical and mental, achieving it depends on the environment , that it be a pleasant, fresh, quiet , isolated from noise Y light ", Explain Bert Jacobson , researcher of the School of Educational Studies of the Oklahoma State University , U.S.


Make your bedroom an intimate space

The following tips could you help your bedroom be that space intimate that you naturally need, not only to rest eight hours a day, but also be the ideal place to find peace .

1. Concentrate The colors they influence powerfully in the state of cheer up ; the clear are those that provide a feeling of calm .

If your desire is to have a space that will help you reflect or a concentrate You can include in the decoration details in blue clear or white, or paint the walls with these tonalities.


Juliet Zhuk , researcher of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver , explains that based on a study he carried out, the color blue leads to a better performance mentally encourages the creativity in people".

The blue is associated with a clear sky, a ocean open; is the colour that encourages us to think and to be creative . It's the color of calm, tranquility , opening and the peace , adds the researcher.

2. Have peace. To achieve a state of peace and tranquility, the recommendation is to take care of colors , avoid predominance tonalities warm like red, orange, yellow or purple because they are associated with strength, movement and aggressiveness.

3. Rest. The World Health Organization affirms that 40% of the world population does not rest well well, one of the reasons that influences are the conditions of mattress Y pillow .


AccordingNational Sleep Foundation , rest in a good mattress it means to have 53 minutes more of quality at dream; the consequences of sleep in a little firm or warped is fatigue , Muscle pain , lack of concentration Y anxiety ".

Choose a mattress from 10 to 20 centimeters more long than your height, with a thickness of 15 centimeters minimum, width 90 centimeters for individual beds and 150 for matrimonial ones. Make sure you give support to all the column , this to improve the blood circulation of the body while you sleep.

4. Relax. Take care of intensity of the light it is preferable that it be tenuous, that the noise does not leak and avoids having appliances electronic as the television in your bedroom because they are distractors. These elements influence the quality of your relaxation .

Do not neglect the ventilation . Ideally, the temperature be 22ºC because the excess of cold or heat alter the rest. To keep the humidity inside, place a humidifier or a container with water. As well avoid plants or fresh flowers because they steal the oxygen , suggests a study conducted in Spain.

5. Share with the couple. For excellence, the bedroom is the repose of couples, where they share real spaces privacy , therefore harmony and order must reign, which keeps the desire to remain in such a place.

Included in the decoration photos of your partner, children and yours without saturating the space, as well as details that generate a romantic and passionate atmosphere, you can achieve it by carefully selecting bedding such as silk sheets, quilts with red motifs to awaken passion.

With small ideas Y changes that you can integrate, you will achieve in a short time bedroom a space intimate for you.

Video Medicine: DIY Safe Space: How to Make a Creepy Room Feel Cozy (April 2024).