Achieve better results

A successful resistance training is one with which you can achieve an increase in muscle mass , tone the muscles and strengthen the bones, as well as get the Energy what you need to do your daily activities.

This type of training , which impacts legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms, is recommended to be performed at least twice a week, indicates the Harvard Medical School.


Achieve better results

So that you endurance training be successful and safe, we share the tips of the experts of that institution.

1. Warm and cool. You have to do it for at least 10 minutes, walk it's a good way to warm up and the stretching It is an excellent way to cool down.

2. Concentrate on the form. You have to align your body correctly in each device so you can perform the exercises without injuries . Also when you are starting the recommended thing is that you use light weight while muscles become accustomed.

3. Watch the time. Working at the right time helps maintain control over the gain of force , for example when doing weights, while they go down count to three and you have a pause, to return it to the initial position repeat the account.

4. Breathe properly. During each training you must pay attention to your breathing , exhale as you work against resistance , ie when lifting, pushing or pulling, and inhale after you release it.

5. Check the weight. The correct weight differs in each device, to know it you can perform a test of exercises with a certain load, if you notice that in the last repetitions you find it impossible to continue, reduce it until you can finish the repetitions in good shape.

If, on the contrary, it is very simple, increase it, one or two pounds in the appliances of arms and two to five for those with legs.

6. Plan the routine. You can work all the muscles of the body two or three times a week, that's ideal. Or choose in a resistance training session only one part, the lower or higher, and go five days a week to cover with the recommendation of time.

7. Rest. This type of training causes small tears in the muscle tissue , which are not harmful, but important because it is part of what strengthens them. You always have to give yourself 48 hours to recover before the next session of exercises .

A endurance training Successful also means that in the session of each machine eight to 12 repetitions of the same movement are made. So, as you can see, it's not complicated, you just have to put these tips into practice and be constant.

Video Medicine: 7 Mental Laws and how to use them to achieve better results (April 2024).