Absence crisis

The epilepsy It is a disease that is characterized by convulsions. When we talk about types of epilepsy actually it refers to types of epileptic seizures .

The epilepsy is a brain disorder that is caused by the increase of electrical activity of some neurons, this is manifested by means of epileptic seizures . It is a neurological condition caused by conditions in the brain.

You can also see: Learn to distinguish when there is epilepsy

According to data from the International Epilepsy Foundation , nowadays; Most cases ofepilepsy they have diminished thanks to medical advances. Medicines to reduce seizures are very effective; There is even a surgery in which a type of filter is placed in the brain to regulate the electrical activity of the neurons.

The types of epilepsy are:


Absence crisis

The person remains motionless, with a fixed gaze for a few seconds. Sometimes mild eye movements can occur.


Tonic-clonic crisis

It manifests a total loss of knowledge. A total fading that causes a rigidity in the body, then a series of arrhythmic movements in the body occurs, this is called seizures .

In some cases, a tongue bite may appear and the eye movements are more abrupt until the eyes are completely white.

Video Medicine: Absence Seizure Caught on Camera (April 2024).