7 ways to love

Telling or showing a person what you feel is not always easy, especially if you are someone shy or a little self-conscious. However, it is said that an action is worth more than a thousand words, and that is the case of love, because there are different ways of loving and ways of expressing them.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth We present some other ways to express what you feel for your partner or a special person, rather than just words:

1. Smile It is one of the most honest and simple ways to show a person your empathy or happiness . According to the University of Mississippi , give one smile not only allows you to express yourself, but also to show someone else how important it is for you, as well as strengthen your immune system and gain health.

2. Physical contact . A kiss , a caress , a hug or a simple touch can convey to people your feelings and chemistry. The importance of contact lies in the way you do it, in the intention, so you can modify moods and even diseases.

3. Quality time . The psychologist, Rocío Arocha , explains that it is about sharing a moment in a disinterested way, without pressure or obligation, with someone else to give you the best of you and convey to that person that you are there for her, in addition to making her notice how important her company is.

4. Tears . Sometimes the most uncontrollable or impulsive way to show your love are the tears . Not only from sadness or anger it cries, but also of an enormous joy, of an intense feeling that is born from the deepest.

5. Sorry. Martha Sánchez Navarro , psychologist and expert in emotional health, points out that this is not only a way to express your love to another person, but also for yourself. Forgive it allows you, when it is honest, to grow as a person, to be more humble and to consider the feelings of other people. What's more, you do not even have to say it.

6. Look. It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul or spirit, and a look is capable of showing tenderness, emotion, joy, understanding, happiness or passion, everything that that person makes you feel, above all love.

7. Know how to listen. For Sánchez Navarro, listening is the key to a successful relationship. Are you there when you need you, but do you really hear what it says? If you want to show your love, listen to it and try to understand The person can be a very effective way to achieve it.

Remember that the best way to say what you feel to that person is actually the one that is not sought, but the one that is born to you.

Sometimes we wait until a special date arrives to tell someone else what we feel, but the best opportunity to do so is any time. The unexpected and surprising is always more interesting in the art of loving.