Chagas disease and leishmaniasis in Mexico

These two Tropical diseases (ET) are common in states such as Tabasco, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Chiapas and Yucatan, where long seasons of humidity and heat favor the proliferation of insects that are harmful to health. Examples are the coffee region of Soconusco in Chiapas and the Chontalpa in Tabasco, where cocoa crops abound.

Although these are diseases typical of rural areas, the alteration of the environment it can cause the fauna carrying the infections to reach nearby population centers.

Currently, the Medical Entomology Laboratory of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), together with other universities in the country, conducts research to help understand the impact of these two diseases.

Both diseases are caused by two large parasites They are related to each other, so, in the opinion of Dr. Eduardo Rebollar, a specialist in the field, it is necessary to study them together.


Sores and heart disease that disable and kill

To rebollar, both the leishmaniasis as the disease of Chagas They can be a cause of disability and death.

The first because it causes sores that reach disfigure the face and body . "It does not kill by itself, but psychologically it is a great impact for the sick person and the family, which usually hides it because of the appearance it gives.The sores are open when they are small, but then, when they are disseminated, they tend to be closed and they advance little by little. "

On the other hand, there is Chagas disease, which is transmitted by the bite of a bug that inoculates the parasite through the blood. The UANL researcher points out that it can take years and the person does not realize that he has a parasite circulating in his arteries and veins.

"Over the years it goes to the heart and causes heart disease, which can lead to death . There are people who apparently die of myocardial infarction, but if they do a diagnostic test, they can find the parasite lodged in their heart. "

Unfortunately, for both diseases there are no national medicines. These have to be imported from France or Brazil, and the price of a box of five vials can cost between 24 and 40 dollars. A patient in a moderate situation may need 3 to 5 boxes.

Video Medicine: Chagas' disease history - Norma Andrews (University of Maryland) (May 2024).