9 tips to go to the dentist

The National Oral Health Program estimates that at least 6 out of 10 children under 6 years old have cavities. However, for the prevention of this disease, in addition to adequate dental hygiene, there are programs of periodic checks for the health of temporary teeth until the final ones appear.

The recommendation of the experts is to take the children to consultation for the first time on completing one year to begin to become familiar with dental hygiene. That in the first visit there is no treatment is positive because it helps to establish a friendly relationship of the child with the dentist.

From the first time, it is recommended that the child go every six months to become familiar with dental hygiene and the care of his mouth to prevent long-term problems. For this we give you these tips:

1. Before attending the appointment, talk with your child, explain that they will visit the specialist. To give you confidence, you can play with him, being you the patient and vice versa.

2. Schedule the consultation early, this will prevent your child from being predisposed to bad experiences from other children.

3. Do not lie to him telling him that he will take you to another side, this will make him think that it is something bad, because they have to trick him into agreeing to go.

4. Do not make comments like "do not go to mourn" or "it will hurt just a little", and avoid expressing your own fears in front of him, if your parents fear the dentist, what is waiting for me? Your son will think.

5. In the first visit, the expert will collect the general data of the child, information about allergies and history of diseases that could have an impact on the mouth.

6. It is likely that during the appointment your child cries, however it is best to stay in the waiting room and let the professional handle the situation.

7. So that the child does not feel abandoned, the mother can leave some garment in view of the child to show that it is waiting for him.

8. Reward your child if he had good behavior. If not, do not scold him, since the child will relate the visits with punishments.

9. In successive visits, the parents should not go to the chair area so that the dentist can establish a direct relationship with the child, which will facilitate the child's answers in the consultation.

Visiting the dentist regularly and with dental cleaning habits since childhood, will help to form people with beautiful smiles and self-confidence.

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