Increase your hydration level!

The Water It not only moisturizes our body, but also helps protect us from various diseases. According to a study of the royal College of Nursing (RCN) in England, drinking water prevents cancer.

In the investigation it is detailed that drinking between four or five glasses of Water a day reduces the risk of colon cancer up to 45% in women and 32% in men, since it is an important part of the digestion and intestinal function, since it dilutes the toxic compounds in the intestines and accelerates the passage of stool.

In addition, the research suggests that a good hydration reduces the risk of breast cancer by up to 33% in pre-menopausal women and 79% in post-menopausal women, since the cells hydrate to function properly, because otherwise they would deteriorate and would not eliminate the harmful substances that cause the Cancer .


Increase your hydration level!

If you want to enjoy the benefits that water provides to our organs, but you do not like this vital liquid, here are some RCN tips to increase your consumption .


  1. Drink a glass of fresh water when you wake up.
  2. Replace your favorite drink with a glass of purified water and increase your consumption every day
  3. Take a glass of water before and after meals
  4. Add a piece of lemon, lime or orange to hot water and drink as an infusion.
  5. Bring a bottle of water whenever you leave home, to drink it little by little

Also, when you do some exercise , try to drink slowly and at intervals of 10 to 15 minutes. When you are well hydrated, your urine should be abundant, pale and odorless. And you, do you drink enough water a day?

Video Medicine: How to Improve Hydration (April 2024).