6 steps for a makeup that highlights your features

For a party, work, school or, simply, for everyday life, the makeup aims to give color to the face and hide imperfections that exist in the skin; example, variations in pigmentation, acne and scars. Its correct use can give the woman not only the look she wants to offer, but also the perfect tool to seduce.

This improves the appearance of the skin, providing uniformity and luminosity, offering an image of healthy beauty.

Thus GetQoralHealth Y Ximena from Icaza , Image Consultant, presents a video that will help you achieve the ideal makeup, which will highlight your features and make you look splendid for every occasion of your life.

In addition to these simple tips we offer you 6 steps that will allow you not only to get a good makeup , but also take care and preserve the state of your skin.

1. Base. This should always be the same color as the skin, neither lighter nor darker. Hides almost 75% of the imperfections and should be applied with a brush, which will allow a natural effect in addition to more evenly distribute the base.

2. Corrector. It is preferable to apply it with a brush. This is placed in the area of ​​dark circles and a little above the eyelids; It can also be used in shadow areas such as under the lower lip, on the sides of the nose and to hide imperfections.

3. Dust. Before applying it, with a napkin or paper remove the excess. This will help prevent unwanted shine. Then put the powder (should be similar to the tone of the skin) on the forehead, cheek, nose and chin.

4. Eyeliner. Regardless of the type of eyeliner, liquid or pencil, start by painting from the inside of the eyelid, stretching to run well. Always paint from the beginning of the eyelashes.

5. Mascara . Choose a mask that is waterproof and gives the effect you want: natural, volume and long. The most important thing is to paint the eyelashes from the beginning of them, take a pass and wait for it to dry, then give another layer.

6. Lips There is an infinity of colors, but the important thing is to paint so that the mouth looks more attractive, but not boring or meaningless; It should always look natural.

The makeup he is an element that helps to improve the appearance; however, it is not the only thing that makes a woman attractive, her personality is usually the most important.

Always try to maintain a balance in your physical and emotional health, and you will witness how this combination offers you the beauty you want.

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