5 tips to increase your sexual attractiveness

The sexual attractiveness masculine are those characteristics or "weapons" that help them seduce women. A recent investigation of the London School of Economics , has identified all these qualities as the erotic capital that each one of men has to attract females.

GetQoralHealth suggests some tips to correctly invest your capital.

1. Invest in the voice: The important thing is not what you say, but how you say it. The fact that a woman likes you depends on 7% of what you tell her. To improve the voice, perform exercises of Diaphragmatic breathing and speak only when you breathe out. Second, it modulates the voice When speaking, segment the sentences into three parts: initial, middle and final.

2. Invest in coordination: A study conducted by the Princeton University It suggests that women notice a balanced body. Having a good posture gives a quick and effective message. Learning to control your body projects safety and naturalness.

3. Invest in attitude: The men with greater erotic capital They know how to communicate and behave. Avoid falling into the classic behavior of men, such as high-sounding words, belching, drinking excessively, etc. Women consider these attitudes as childish.

4. Invest in fertility: To humans without distinction sex they are attracted sexual partners that seem more fertile. Women have a sharp instinct that locates men who are physically symmetrical and examines their virility . If you make sure that your shaving is impeccable, you are contributing to offer the coveted image.

5. Invest in your wardrobe: The way of dressing helps to transmit social magnetism and to create a dominant aura. For this reason, dress with colors that denote security. Yellow and orange radiate vigor, while blue, inspires confidence. Instead of falling into excesses, add only a few touches of color to some clothes.

Follow these simple tips and increase you erotic capital . Remember that there is no perfect manual for conquering women. The best thing is to be yourself and above all a gentleman. Good luck!

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Video Medicine: How To be more Attractive - 3 Major Tips to Increase your Attractiveness (April 2024).