5 healthy ideas to eat on the beach

When you go to the beach you must make small changes in your diet to keep the body hydrated and take care of your weight; Avoid processed foods and opt for fruits and vegetables. GetQoralHealth suggests five ideas for healthy eating on the beach.

1. Specialists recommend eating three servings a day of fruit and two of vegetables. You can prepare cold soup like gazpacho or cucumber cream; To keep them in good condition, store them in a thermos.

2. The sandwiches are also an excellent option, use wholemeal bread and mustard as a dressing. Fill them with tuna, sardines, chicken breast, strawberry cheese, etc. To preserve them, wrap them in aluminum foil to protect them from heat and sunlight.

3. Salads, in addition to cooling off from high temperatures, have few calories and hydrate your skin . It also combines lettuce, spinach, tuna, turkey, salmon, etc. To dress the best option is the vinaigrette.

4. To hydrate, choose mineral water, beer without alcohol and natural juices. Fruit frappés are also an excellent option.

5. For snacks, choose seasonal fruit, which is cheaper and in better condition. In summer you find pineapple, strawberry, plum, cherry, watermelon and melon.

To keep the food better, prepare it in the morning and store it in the freezer for a few minutes to cool down. Good luck!

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