1. Miso

The skin, the slender figure and the longevity characterize the Japanese. If you want to look like they should eat Japanese foods.

Surely when you think this type of food comes to your mind a delicious sushi , but there are other delicious foods that will help you to see you, feel good without gaining weight.

The diet of the Japanese is rich in fresh products, slow-absorbing carbohydrates (rice and pasta), fish , vegetables and almost no fat, reveals a study by the Japan Food Additives Association.

Go ahead to consume in your daily diet this type of japanese foods and start enjoying its benefits.


1. Miso

It is a preparation based on fermented soy, contains vitamins and minerals calcium, iron and potassium. Improves digestion and prevents infections Stomach


2. Seaweed (Konbu)

Many Japanese dishes, such as sushi and soups, are included as a main ingredient and these can be considered as a green leafy vegetable. They are rich in calcio They protect the lining of the lungs, regulate blood sugar and improve kidney function.


3. Edamame

It is a legume free of cholesterol andgluten . Combat depression, osteoporosis and diabetes.


4. Kabocha puree

Also known as "winter puree", it tastes sweet and delicious. It is a perfect substitute for potatoes, and is rich in fiber , vitamin C, potassium and iron.


5. Tofu

It is a food prepared from the milk of soy It is low in calories and gluten free.


6. Beans (Adzuki)

Just one cup contains 25% of what your body needs in iron, 30% magnesium, 23% potassium, and 70% of the daily recommendation for folic acid.


7. Rice

It is a good source of zinc, a mineral that stimulates the immune system and promotes sexual desire .

Enjoy these japanese foods at the same time that you take care of your health and you feel great.


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Video Medicine: MISO - Take Me (Official Video) (April 2024).