5 habits to live better

The habits Acquiring a person directly impacts their physical and emotional health, so it is important that they are healthy activities that promote a better quality of life.

In a study published in theBritish Medical Journal, it was detailed that 20 thousand British people decreased by 50% the risk of suffering a stroke , by incorporating some healthy habits into your life such as: physical activity , eat five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, as well as avoid tobacco and alcohol.

Improve your quality of life!

With the goal that you live better, GetQoralHealth gives you five actions that you can include in your life:

  1. Do not retire : By staying active throughout your life can help prevent various physical and mental diseases, such as obesity and Alzheimer's.
  2. Flosses daily : A healthy mouth helps maintain stable arteries , because hygiene reduces the presence of bacteria that affect the bloodstream and generate diseases cardiac
  3. Exercise : The physical activity It is considered as the source of youth, because it improves mood, mental acuity, balance, muscle mass and bones.
  4. Eat foods rich in fiber : The consumption of a portion of whole grain keeps blood sugar levels stable; In addition, it is a food that prevents digestive problems such as constipation .
  5. Avoid being neurotic : Try to channel your stress and concerns in various activities such as yoga , meditation , Tai Chi or, simply, by breathing deeply for a few minutes.

Some specialists say that creating habits and having contact with people around you can help you avoid depression and a premature death. And you, how prudent and organized are you?

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Video Medicine: HOW TO IMPLEMENT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE | Setting Habits & Wellness Goals (May 2024).