5 effects of excess salt on your health

"Less salt, more health", under this motto Federal District Government , through the Health Secretary , promotes a campaign that aims to remove the salt shakers from the tables of restaurants, and raise awareness among the population about the damages generated by excess sodium in health.

Mexico consumes twice as much salt as recommended by the World Health Organization which are five grams per day.

GetQoralHealth, through Chain Three News, presents the following video where you can know a little more about the effect of the measure taken by the Government:

The excess of sodium in our diet is closely linked to the development of various conditions. Thus GetQoralHealth It presents five consequences linked to the consumption of salt:

1. Heart failure and heart attacks . The excess in sodium has adverse effects on the cardiac muscle, which worsens the functioning of the heart, favoring diseases such as heart attacks or heart failure; When the heart is unable to pump the blood needed for the body.

2. It hinders the function of the kidneys. The renal system is basic for health, since it carries out a task of filtering and purifying the blood. This function is impaired by the increase in salt, it is also an important factor that predisposes the formation of kidney stones.

3. Fluid retention. It always manifests as an inflammation of the soft tissues. The retention of liquids occurs when there is an imbalance between the elements that regulate the passage of it. One factor that can cause it is the intake of more salt.

4. Gastric diseases . Experts of the University of the Healt Sciences of North America have discovered that an excessive consumption of salt is also related to some gastric disorders; example, the stimulation of the action of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori.

5. Stroke or stroke. Both for cerebral hemorrhages and for embolisms, they cause approximately one third of deaths due to circulatory diseases, but a high percentage of people who survive a stroke suffer serious physical and neurological sequelae for the rest of their lives.

Remember, maintaining a balanced diet will allow you to avoid the negative effects not only from excess sodium but from other foods. Beware!

Video Medicine: Why is too much salt bad for you? (April 2024).